Don't you think daffodils are the friendliest flower?
It was sunny in Seattle, and everyone came out to play. I took a walk, visited the farmers market, rode my bike, threw a football and flew a kite! Whew!
Flying a kite on the beach at Golden Gardens
Ballard Farmers Market

Pink blooms on my walk down to Ballard. It's funny, I haven't taken this walk since our big snow dump. And, here I was again, walking along and taking pictures, enjoying the weather. It was like deja vu, but in opposite world.
Pink blooms on my walk down to Ballard. It's funny, I haven't taken this walk since our big snow dump. And, here I was again, walking along and taking pictures, enjoying the weather. It was like deja vu, but in opposite world.
I've made a big decision for myself this spring and summer . . . I am not going to train for anything! This is a big deal for me. Every year I've trained for something - half-marathon, triathlon, etc. But, I'm really putting a lot of focus and energy on getting healthy, creating a good balance in my body and healing old injuries. Every year, when I really get into my training, I end up throwing myself off balance by putting too much emphasis on training, and not enough on all the other activities that keep me healthy (weight lifting, yoga, cross-training, etc.). Plus, I've really been enjoying lately the freedom to do whatever activity I want - walk one day, kayak the next, snowshoe the next - rather than being tied to my training schedule.
Knowing me, I'll still probably wind up doing an open water swim and a 5k (I hope! I'm building up my running more and more each week!). But, I'm not locking myself into any big races.
Breathe in. Breathe out. I can do this. I can go a whole year without training for something. I'm addicted to this stuff!
You can do it! By the way, the new banner picture posted behind "Lively" at the top of your blog looks great.