
Lemony Salad Dressing

Inspired by my dear friend Kristin, I've been having delicious salads for lunch these days with her easy salad dressing. The salads consist of many veggies (duh!) like spinach, beets, carrots and tomatoes. This week I added tempeh and a little cottage cheese on the side. And then I top it all off with the dressing. Yum!

Kristin's Spring Salad Dressing

Olive Oil, about 3 Tablespoons

Fresh Lemon Juice, about 1 Tablespoon

Diced garlic, 1-2 cloves

Freshly ground pepper



  1. Yum! I will try that this week. Tonight, though, I will see if I can talk Mike into Thai delivery. In a few months, this will not be an option for us. I did not see any likely establishments in any of the small towns in Minnesota we visited last week . . .

  2. MMMMMM! Thanks for the shout-out, Katie!

    Maggie, we have to hear about yoru interviews!
