She's on the flip side of facing a new stage in life, without her mother. My heart is breaking for her right now. It's not fair. And it's not right. But, there's no changing it. That's life sometimes.
And it sucks.
(And it's not the only sad news I received today. But, that's not to share here.)
No one tells you that life gets more complicated, more sad, as you grow up. Sometimes you still have those moments, when you're completely happy. And you have to hold onto the memories of those for all your worth, to get you through so many other times when sadness and confusion are woven into and through your life.
My dad died of cancer when I was 16. Seeing and hearing about others experiencing loss always brings back a deep pang of sadness and pain. As someone who has lossed and grieved, I know that people come out the other end eventually. They will feel happy again, and they will find peace. But when you're just beginning the process, all of that seems impossible. That feeling of hopelessness is an important part of the process, but it also makes it so hard to see out the other end of the tunnel of grief.
I'm thinking of those hurting right now, sending out all the love I can. Wishing I could hug them and give them flowers. You are strong and amazing and wonderful.

Thanks for these thoughts -- and helping me think about some important things!