
Farmers Market Finds

Today I went to the Capitol Hill Farmers Market and, as usual, came home with more than I'd planned:
  • Patty Pan Squash - yellow, light green and dark green
  • Carrots
  • Potatoes - Red, Purple and Fingerling (My favorite potato guy was there from Olsen Farms in Colville!)
  • Apples - Gala and Golden Delicious
  • Nectarines
  • Onions
  • Yellow Wax Beans

I successfully resisted the urge to buy a warm, soft pretzel - only because I've eaten so much this weekend. But, I highly recommend them!

I think I'm going to roast a bunch of stuff all together later this week - squash, potatoes, onions and tofu. I'll let you know how it turns out.

And, I already ate one of the apples while I sat on the beach at Golden Gardens and read my book. Sunny day, good book, crisp apple - it's the best of summer meeting the best of fall!

P.S. Speaking of Farmers Markets, I used the Local Goods Smoked Jalapeno Barbeque sauce as a marinade for chicken breasts - quite good!


  1. Yum! I am hoping to make it to the Hyde Park Farmers' Market this week. Roasted vegetables and tofu sounds delicious . . .

  2. Oh, shoot, Maggie was first!

    That sounds like a terrific trip to the market. The patty pan squash over here is not as good as in the midwest. FYI.

  3. Thanks guys! I'm having fun with my little blog.

  4. You're going to be the next Martha Stewart. I can already tell! So excited to hear about all of your activities/ideas.
