
A Sunny September Weekend

I think we all feel like the wolf is at the door*, and these sunny days will soon turn into cool, gray, misty fall. But might I suggest a few pleasant ways to maximize a sunny weekend.

Visit the Farmers Market

Lots of strawberries at the University Farms Market this weekend!

Fall is coming! How do I know? Pumpkins!

Go for a Hike

Why in the world would anyone take Swamp Trail? We went up Tiger Mountain.

Do the Puyallup Fair!


Cows. Moo.

I mean, really? So cute.

Lemon Meringue. Pecan. Yum.

This guy shot out of the rocket. Pretty cool. I'd kind of like to do it too.

I'm not condoning smoking, but I thought the chainsaw carvers were pretty cool.

OK, and just for fun:

*I heard a story on NPR about MFK Fisher's book "How to Cook a Wolf," about how to make fresh, creative food during the time of World War II rations. She sounds like a pretty forward, feisty lady!

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