

Last week, I was sitting in church distracted and stressed by all the things I needed to get done that week - exercise, clean, work on the benefit concert I'm planning, get projects done at work, call friends. Poor me! My life is so busy and stressful!

I was watching people file up to take communion. One man in particular stood up and slowly made his way to the front of the church, and up the stairs. He wasn't very old, but he walked with a cane and seemed weak. You could tell his health isn't great. I realized he's the partner of a member of the church - someone we've all been praying for over the last few months.

You couldn't help but be struck by his smile and his slow determination to make it to the communion rail, one step at a time. He had an aura around him - happy to be in church with the person he loves, singing and celebrating for at least that one day.

It brought me to tears, and I was overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude. Here I am - healthy, young, loved by my family and friends - and I'm missing it all. This man showed me that I need to step back realize what a blessing I have in today, in all the good things that surround me and the opportunity in front of me.

Thank you. Thank you to this man for teaching me how to be grateful and embrace joy, in good times and in struggle. What a wonderful lesson to keep in mind during Holy Week as we move toward Easter.

P.S. I have a bunch more blog posts lined up. I hope to have them up soon!

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